I have been getting requested to post crud tutorial with PDO connection, so finally it’s here. Live Demo Tutorial Features: Create, Read, Update and Delete Records Bootstrap – for design and modal popup jQuery – Used to handle ajax request Tutorial Focus: At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to learn how to use […]
Asynchronous Image to DATA URIs Conversion using PHP and jQuery
You know we can add image into the web page without adding the link of the external image file. Let’s make it simple, the DATA URIs is the concept where we can just add the data of the image into the page, and it works. HTML Syntax to add image using DATA URI: CSS Syntax to add image using DATA […]
PHP MySQL CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations using jQuery
PHP MYSQL CRUD PHP MySQL CRUD is all about INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT SQL queries using PHP, it will help beginners to know about PHP and MySQL operations. Note: Do not use this script into your live projects, the motive of the script is to just provide basic ideas to the beginners for learning, if […]
jQuery – Username Availability Validation using PHP and MySQL
jQuery Username Availability Validation It is common operation on each `sign up` or the `registration` process. Each time a new user is added or created within the system, a standard identifier, known as a username, must be assigned. This identifier may take the form of an email address or a simple string. That being said, […]
PHP Login Registration – State Management
PHP State Management Description State Management is the basic need for any dynamic application, here I am going to explain How to manage sessions in PHP using a simple register and login application which is going to help on to get better understandings. Live Demo Let’s get started: Setup Database tables First step is to setup […]
PHP and Ajax Asynchronous File Upload using jQuery
Introduction: Live Demo This tutorial is for beginners, who started working on PHP Project, and wants to add asynchronous file upload feature, so you’re at right place. What is PHP Asynchronous File Upload? So, you might think what is file upload? And how it works? The answer is here, to upload your file from your […]