You know we can add image into the web page without adding the link of the external image file. Let’s make it simple, the DATA URIs is the concept where we can just add the data of the image into the page, and it works.
Table of Contents
HTML Syntax to add image using DATA URI:
CSS Syntax to add image using DATA URI:
PHP code to Convert Image to DATA URI
In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how to create the DATA URI from the Image using PHP with the demo, let’s start with the first to create `index.php` along with the user interface.
Step 1: Create `index.php` file and add following code:
Make sure to add required external CSS and JS files, such as jQuery and Bootstrap.
You can read more about uploading Asynchronous file from here: PHP and Ajax Asynchronous File Upload using jQuery
Step 2: Create `script.js` file and add following function:
Step 3: Image to data uris conversion:
This is the file where we are performing the image conversion operation asynchronously.
create `convertImage.php` file and use following code
Step 4: Create `style.css` file and add following code:
We are done, go ahead and test your application or you can visit to the live demo to do a quick checkout and you can also download the source code for this tutorial from the links given below:
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