Introduction: PHP is a popular programming language used for web development. It is a C-style and imperative programming language, which has rigid grammar rules. When encountering misplaced symbols or identifiers, it cannot recover from it. Syntax errors in PHP occur when there is a mistake in the code that makes it impossible for the script […]
error handling
How to Avoid Notice/Warning: Undefined Variable Error in PHP Applications
PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages for web development. It allows developers to build dynamic web applications that can interact with databases and other web services. However, while working with PHP applications, you may encounter a Notice / Warning: Undefined variable error. This error message is meant to help a PHP […]
Top 12 Advantages of Using React Suspense & Lazy Functions
Overview: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it provides a number of powerful features that can help to improve the performance and maintainability of your application. One of these features is React Suspense and the lazy function, which allow you to load components lazily and improve the overall user experience […]
What is React Suspense component and How to use Suspense component?
Orerview: React Suspense is a component that allows developers to handle the loading state of certain components in a declarative manner. It allows developers to define a fallback component that will be displayed while the component is loading. To use React Suspense in a functional component, you can import the Suspense component from the ‘react’ […]