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PHP is a popular programming language used for web development. It is a C-style and imperative programming language, which has rigid grammar rules. When encountering misplaced symbols or identifiers, it cannot recover from it. Syntax errors in PHP occur when there is a mistake in the code that makes it impossible for the script to execute. In this blog post, we will discuss common PHP syntax errors, how to interpret parser errors, and various ways to solve syntax hiccups.
Examples of PHP Syntax Errors
Missing semicolon ;
One of the most common syntax errors in PHP is a missing semicolon. The semicolon is used to terminate statements or lines in PHP. Without it, the script will throw an error. For example, the following code will throw a syntax error because it’s missing a semicolon at the end of the first line.
echo "Hello World"
echo "Welcome to PHP"
Mismatched string quotes
Another common syntax error in PHP is mismatched string quotes. Strings in PHP must be enclosed in either single quotes or double quotes. If a string is enclosed in single quotes, then any single quotes within the string must be escaped with a backslash. If a string is enclosed in double quotes, then any double quotes within the string must be escaped with a backslash. For example, the following code will throw a syntax error because of the mismatched string quotes.
echo "It's a beautiful day";
echo 'My favorite color is "blue"';
Forgotten operators
In PHP, the concatenation operator is represented by a period (.) If the concatenation operator is forgotten or missing between two strings, the script will throw a syntax error. For example, the following code will throw a syntax error because the concatenation operator is missing.
$name = "John";
echo "My name is " $name;
Unbalanced parentheses
Another common syntax error in PHP is unbalanced parentheses. The number of opening and closing parentheses should be equal. If there is a mismatch, the script will throw a syntax error. For example, the following code will throw a syntax error because of the unbalanced parentheses.
function addNumbers($a, $b {
return $a + $b;
How to Interpret Parser Errors
When a syntax error occurs in PHP, the parser will throw an error message that includes the following information:
- Parse error: syntax error
- The specific type of error, e.g. unexpected T_STRING, expecting ‘;’
- The file name where the error occurred
- The line number where the error occurred
The error message will help you locate the possible location of a syntax mistake.
Solving Syntax Errors
There are several ways to solve syntax errors in PHP. Here are some of them:
Check the line number mentioned in the error message
The error message will tell you the line number where the error occurred. Check that line and the preceding lines for any syntax errors.
Use proper code indentation
Use proper code indentation to make your code more readable and prevent syntax errors.
Use an IDE or editor with syntax highlighting
Use an IDE or editor for PHP with syntax highlighting. This will help you identify syntax errors and parentheses/bracket balancing.
Read the language reference and examples in the manual
Read the language reference and examples in the PHP manual. This will help you become more proficient in the language.
Add newlines between code blocks
Add newlines between the code you can easily identify as correct, the parts you’re unsure about, and the lines which the parser complains about. Partition the code blocks using newlines helps to improve readability and makes it easier to identify the problematic lines.
Use descriptive variable names
Use descriptive variable names that clearly indicate the purpose of the variable. Avoid using single letter variable names unless it is a common convention in the language.
Follow language conventions
Different programming languages have their own conventions and styles. Follow the conventions of the language you’re using, such as indentation, spacing, and camelCase or snake_case naming conventions.
Keep comments updated
If you make changes to the code, make sure to update the comments to reflect the changes. Comments are helpful for understanding the purpose of the code and can save time in debugging.
Refactor code
If you find yourself repeating code or writing lengthy and complex functions, consider refactoring your code. Refactoring involves restructuring your code to make it more readable and maintainable.
Test your code
Before submitting your code, test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. This includes running tests for various input values and edge cases. By testing your code, you can catch any errors or bugs before they become problems for users.