PHP is one of the most widely used scripting languages for web development. It allows developers to build dynamic web applications that can interact with databases and other web services. However, while working with PHP applications, you may encounter a Notice / Warning: Undefined variable error.
This error message is meant to help a PHP programmer to spot a typo or a mistake when accessing a variable (or an array element) that doesn’t exist. Here are some best practices to avoid this error and ensure the smooth functioning of your PHP application:
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Declare every variable before use
PHP does not require a variable declaration, but it does recommend it in order to avoid some security vulnerabilities or bugs where one would forget to give a value to a variable that will be used later in the script. So, it is recommended to declare every variable before use. This way, you will see this error only when you actually make a mistake, trying to use a non-existent variable.
For example:
//Initializing a variable
$value = ""; //Initialization value; 0 for int, [] for array, etc.
echo $value; // no error
echo $vaule; // an error pinpoints a misspelled variable name
Pass variables to functions as parameters
Functions in PHP have their own variable scope, and if you need to use a variable from outside, its value must be passed as a function’s parameter. This way, a variable is defined but not visible in a function, and its value must be passed as a function’s parameter.
For example:
function test($param) {
return $param + 1;
$var = 0;
echo test($var); // now $var's value is accessible inside through $param
Check array key existence
This notice/warning appears when you (or PHP) try to access an undefined index of an array. When dealing with internal arrays that are defined in your code, the attitude should be exactly the same: just initialize all keys before use. This way, this error will do its intended job: notify a programmer about a mistake in their code.
For example:
//Initializing an array
$array['value'] = ""; //Initialization value; 0 for int, [] for array, etc.
echo $array['value']; // no error
echo $array['vaule']; // an error indicates a misspelled key
Check for form submission
When a PHP script contains an HTML form, it is natural that on the first load there is no form contents. Therefore, such a script should check if a form was submitted. For POST forms, check the request method; for GET forms/links, check the important field.
For example:
// for POST forms check the request method
// process the form
// for GET forms/links check the important field
if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
// process the form
Assign default values to missing keys
With outside arrays (such as $_POST / $_GET / $_SESSION or JSON input), the situation is a bit different because the programmer doesn’t have control over such arrays’ contents. So, checking for some key existence or even assigning a default value for a missing key could be justified.
For example:
// using null coalescing operator to assign a default value
$agreed = $_POST['terms'] ?? false;
In conclusion, while working with PHP applications, it’s essential to avoid Notice / Warning: Undefined variable error. These best practices will help you ensure that all variables and array keys are defined before use, and your PHP application runs smoothly without any errors.