The first requirement of running laravel-echo-server on your Linux server is to have NodeJS installed. Follow my tutorial to learn how to install NodeJS on Ubuntu/Linux Installing Laravel-echo-server I assumed that you have already installed the NodeJS on your server and it is running Use following command to install the NPM package globally on your […]
Installing NodeJS on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04
You can follow one of the following options to install NodeJS in Ubuntu OS, I would suggest follow the first option 2 if you want NodeJs on Your local dev machine or development server. If you are installing it on your production server then I guess the Option 1 is better way to go. Option […]
Amazon Textract setup on Aws ec2 Instance (Ubuntu) with Python3
Create S3 Bucket Create new S3 bucket in your selected AWS region access rules should Bucket and objects not public Create an IAM User Create a IAM user for Textract with the access of AmazonTextractFullAccess and AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess Install AWS CLI on EC2 Ubuntu Linux Instance To update your current installation of the AWS CLI, use following […]
Mounting EFS file system to AWS EC2 ubuntu 18, 20 and 22
Step 1: create security group for nfs access points The source needs to be the target servers Step 2: create file system while creating file system make sure to select the proper security group Step 3: login to ubuntu and create folder /mnt/efs/ Step 4: install amazon-efs-utils package For information you can visit to [Manually […]
Making apache symbolic links
Link Unlink
php – swiching to correct php version
This command will list the options in table format to choose from the current installed php versions on you linux operating system Where you see the * meaning it is currently being used as a default php version. in my case I have selected it manual to 8.0 You can choose the number from selection […]