Problem: While upgrading the Codeigniter version from 2 to 3, there is error with the database configuration: The main resson of getting this error is that mysql_* is deprecated so you will have to switch eaither to mysqli_* or PDO TO fix this issue you will have to change the database drive setting in config/database.php […]
Solved: Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate does not exist
A code with Error: In above code a Developer is trying to access records using Laravel Eloquent, however He is trying to use both ->get() as well as ->paginate() method at the same time. You should not do that, when we use paginate method to it handle get operations too, the only difference is that […]
Solved PHP Error: Trying to access array offset on value of type int
If you encounter the “Trying to access array offset on value of type int” error while attempting to access a PHP array index, the issue may be that the specified index does not exist in the array. And most likely the array is not null and but the index you are trying to access does […]