Problem: While upgrading the Codeigniter version from 2 to 3, there is error with the database configuration: The main resson of getting this error is that mysql_* is deprecated so you will have to switch eaither to mysqli_* or PDO TO fix this issue you will have to change the database drive setting in config/database.php […]
How to Import data into MySQL database using MySQL Workbench?
This tutorial will help you understand the process of importing data into your MySQL database running on Windows and MacOS using MySQL Workbench. It will also work on Linux; However, on Linux I would like you to use Commands, as it is faster and easy way to handle the import operations. Open MySQL Workbench Open […]
Learn database seeding in Laravel 5.8 from scratch
What is Database Seeding? Database seeding is basically a process of loading test data into your application, the data can be anything according to your project requirements. Database seeding is a process where an initial set of data is loaded into a database when application is being installed Also you can even seed usable data […]
PHP Data Object (PDO) Database Connection Script
PDO Connection Script We have new way to connect and use Database with PHP 5 or new versions. Here I am providing a simple PHP script to connect and use Database with PDO connection. You might think why to use PDO? The answer is here we can use multiple databases with PDO, so like if […]